Monday, October 22, 2012

Virgin blogger no more

This is my very first blog. I've wanted to do it for some time now just didn't know quite what about. So I'll just be adding some of my thoughts and experiences as I go along.
I thank God for this my ** year of life. (that could be anything........ :) I know ) . I have a few interests I know others share and I just thought it would be nice to connect with others that share those interests too.
I've also learned some things over the years and though it's not much I'd love to share those too. In the meantime I'm trying to find what it is I truly am meant to do. I have so many interests and talents that it is hard to find the one that revs my motor the most so I can shift into drive.

I chose The Sound of Music for my title because well, I love music and musicals. Happy, uplifting, calming and soothing music and a few of my favorites happen to be from the movie, The Sound of Music. I also see a lot of myself in Maria. Though I'm neither caucasian nor catholic. I love nature and music and children  and I am happily single and patiently waiting for my Mr Von Trapp ( preferably minus the multitude of course).

First blog take one, Action!
"Doe, a deer, a female deer,
Ray, a drop of golden sun........." hahaha..(jumping up and down and clapping.)

Virgin blogger no more

This is my very first blog. I've wanted to do it for some time now just didn't know quite what about. So I'll just be adding som...